Sunday, February 11, 2007


finally is monday!!!!on last sat went to c SHOW .was like a lot of ppl lor!!squeeze until like hell!n i learnt tat never wear new shoes coz u hav to stand,walk,run!then went back home my leg injuredT_T{somebody saiyang me}then today wake up sore throat!Wat the hell!injuries then sore throat n this shoes tat i didn't take care myself well!hav to stop cold drinks n heaty food coz chinese new year is coming!!!!!!!!!lots of cookies n drinks n of Coz lots of HONGBAO!!^_^
on sat buy one t-shirt at seiyu for daddy n he like it!!!new year coming still wondering which bag should i carry?!daddy n mummy said tat i should stop buying bags le coz my bags r overflow so i hav to take half of them to my mummy cupboard!^_^juz cut my hair today!quite ok dun noe y when it come to mathi veri sianz in the past i was like veri happy!~_~hate the chinese teacher!!!keep on pushing respondsibility!!!!!!!anyway wanna wish u all A EARLY HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!!


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