i haven clear my stuff yet!

new yr is coming very soon!BUT I HAVEN CLEAR MY UNWANTED STUFF YET!
books,necklace,ring,bag,cd and some stuff laying around my table!OH GOSH!daddy has been nagging me to clear n clean up my table by this wed!2more days only!the reason why i have to clear my stuffy becos relatives will come and visit.wad freak me is when i asked daddy jus closed the door he said they are going to play majhong at my study/computer room!means that i can't play my com instead i have to to serve them or wadever!sian.....i think i will go out for a while and come back at dinnertime^.^but daddy sure say'NO' T_T
i want to buy bags bags MORE BAGS though daddy and mummy said no more bags for me!T_T
i wan my angbao money and used it to buy bags or shoes or wadever things i like.daddy said this yr angbao money will increase,hope it is true:) i feel like having the urge to eat dim sum after vicki asked me to whether i wanna eat seafood(i know no link at all)but when the times come i dun feel like eating it.-.- now i have another problem that is WHERE SHOULD I PUT MY ALBUMS OR DVD THOSE STUFF!not in that drawer anymore cos it is overflowing !sis used the bigger drawer to put hers(sob sob)where should i put or should i put it on my table and let my relatives to enjoy those album cover n stuffz.lol.i think i will juz squeeze everything inside that drawer for the time being and those cant squeeze i think i will put it on my table nicely(:YAY!problem solved!this sat got to go for my relative s'birthday bash....mum and dad is nt going.guess i have to go with my cousin family.
tmr gt phyics test but i have nt studies yet!
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